Monday, April 13, 2009

Marriage Questions - Part I

At the risk of turning into Dear Abby, last weekend we had our monthly military wives breakfast. We offered a panel of women who have solid marriages to answer questions that you have...everything was covered from parenting, finances and communication to sex, no sex, infidelity and pornography. I thought it might be helpful to post some of the questions...some of the brief answers and if you have any of your own comments/answers, feel free to post a comment; it would be great to hear from you. We can classify this as Part I, as I have a lot of cards with questions on them. The answers are coming from a number of women whom I respect and trust their judgment, who are solid Christians and work on their marriages daily!

What are tips you can offer to keep the spark in your marriage? If you have kid’s promise to give yourself a date night where you do not talk about your kids! If you do not have kids, you have a bit more freedom so try something new together. Play basketball, do ceramics, pottery, exercise together….something! Either way, schedule your date night ahead of time so things do not get in the way. Above all….laugh!! If childcare is an issue – trade with a their kids for their date night – they watch your kids for your night.

How do you deal with a husband that doesn’t want to talk about issues and then gets mad when you talk to your friends about it? Choose one friend that you want to be transparent with and tell you husband that you confide in her about everything or whatever the two of you agree upon. Remember this friend needs to be Christ-like and someone your husband respects. I have one friend I tell everything to but I also know that it does not go anywhere. Is your husband mad because he is finding out from another source? If so, you did not choose the right friend to confide in.

When you notice your husband changing or you yourself are changing, how do you adjust to the change even if you don’t like who they are becoming? Focus on who God has created them t be. There is a certain part of their/our DNA that does not change if we are followers of Christ. Focus on that and grow with him. If it is us changing….if we are looking to the Lord for how we should be changing we are good to go. If we are changing into someone he does not want us to be, and we all know when we are, nothing good will come of it. We will always change but by focusing on those things we appreciate in each other, who God has made us, and keep the open communication….we’re good.

What do you do to facilitate growth in your mate (spiritual and otherwise)? Be the light. Be the one that he can go to for encouragement. Men need to know that their wife respects and values them! Focus on the growth he has made and the areas he thrives in. Try not to compare and wish he was in a different position or was someone else. Understand what it means to be a man, husband and father. I have to remind myself that it is his job to be the provider and take care of us and with that comes a whole different ball game of obstacles and challenges. My husband acts differently than I and often his actions are motivated by those roles.

When you know your husband is going to make a mistake in his choices – wrong friendships or work choices – how do you approach him without telling him what to do? Ah this is a hard one. Make sure your approach is biblical and make sure you do not approach him as a mother. Come by his side and share feelings of concern. If you question his choices you are questioning him. Men do not like to feel like they are being questioned. Use “I” language. “I feel _______ is a bad influence on our marriage because….” Once you express your feelings, if he still chooses the “mistake” then it is his call – let him make the mistake – we are not their mothers. Of course if you are proven right – NEVER, NEVER say I told you so. Now would be the time to be encouraging and compassionate that it didn’t work out for him.

What is the correct action for husbands and porn? To the point…always bringing in the biblical principles that apply. Also, realize that PLENTY of men struggle with this. Again, use “I” language and let him know how it makes you feel as his wife and woman of Christ. If you can get him to agree, you can block these things as well whether it is the internet or if he is buying pay per view. It is great for men to be in a growth group or men’s group so they have accountability and be with other men struggling (and overcoming) with the same issues.

How do you get your husband to take on the role of “head of the household?” My husband is a believer, but is hesitant to take up the spiritual leadership of the family. Make sure your definition for “head of the household” aligns with God definition. I believe we as a society often add in our own definitions. I do the bills in my house along with many other things that wives often consider being the husband’s responsibility. We motivate each other to continue our spiritual growth. Know your husband’s strengths and weakness’ and try not have expectations for your husband that align with those weakness’. Build upon his strengths. You both bring a ton to the plate. Complement each other. I view “head of the household” is the one that has the final say. I express my feelings with respect and I expect him to consider them but I am okay with his decision.

How do you get over infidelity in a marriage? Prayer!! Figure out why it happened. Really why it happened!! It takes one person to do the act but it takes two people to get the marriage to that point. At the point of infidelity, both people need to dig in deep and learn about themselves and really find out what went wrong. There’s usually a lack of love and respect on both ends. It does not excuse the act at all but I do believe more marriages can survive the awful situation if they stop pointing fingers, get into counseling and looked at the speck in their own eye. And Prayer!!!

What’s a good way of getting a point across without it becoming an argument? Safety days! Safety days is a way to communicate. One person is the “speaker” the other is the “container”. The container is not allowed to comment on what the speaker says. You have to use “I” language expressing feelings. The conversation ends and you connect again the next day, but the roles reverse. This gives you time to listen to what is said, process it and not act on emotion. Best of all, you learn to listen which is one of the most difficult tasks!

My husband snores so we don’t really sleep together (not much sex). I think it is hurting him more than me, what or how should I handle this or do about it to keep our sex life alive? There are things he can check into w/his doctor to help his snoring but as a women…we have to realize that they require sex. That is how they are build. Give in. They feel loved, appreciated and wanted. Obviously, if there are underlying issues this response changes. But I would not stop having sex just because he snores. Heck hopefully you are not sleeping when you are having sex!!

I’ve noticed that my husband’s food intake affects his snoring. The more he eats/drinks at night – the spicier or heavier food the more he snores. Nose strips work pretty well. It also helps if I take an Advil or Tylenol pm...knocks me out and I can usually sleep thru it – not always, but usually. At least start each night in bed together.

I come from a previous marriage that had cheating throughout, without knowing it happened until the end of the marriage. My husband also comes from a past marriage with cheating, done by both of them. I am scared this will happen to us. It’s always in the back of my mind. How can I get these thoughts out of my mind and trust he won’t do it to me? It seems there is a trust issue already that may need some resolving since you have FEAR of him cheating. For me, I vowed to my myself and to God that I'd hang in there and do whatever it took to make my marriage work. Low and behold, my husband was unfaithful and God granted me the strength and courage to make it through the rebuilding process (yes, it was still very painful, but I tried to remember that God was in control)!! Through time, therapy, prayer and trust in God, our relationship was restored. All that said, make a vow to your marriage when tough times come along, including unfaithfulness, that you will do all you can (with God's help) to restore it. Trust in God, pray for your husband to have a pure heart, give your fear to God and get wise counsel!

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