Today was the military wives potluck getting ready for, and recipes for, our upcoming cookbook. And, it was the 3 year anniversary of the North Coast military ministry. Amazing 3 years! Mick and I have been so incredibly blessed by this ministry. Three years ago, it was a thought, maybe a calling. I felt the push to start a military wives ministry. When I think back now, I’m not sure what it was…an impulse….a calling….God’s directive? When I first brought it up, I was told no, not now – we don’t need another ministry for women. But I kept feeling the tug. The push. So I went back….and we launched a ministry.
In last weekend’s sermon, Pastor Chris reminded us how we are called to service. In John 21, Jesus asked Peter “do you love me.” Two additional times Peter is asked the same question. The message is clear “if you love me, do what I ask.” Pretty simple stuff actually.
I find the longer I am in this ministry, the more it becomes about my love for Jesus. It becomes about my passion for Jesus. When I forget that and become passionate about the ministry, it still runs well, but doesn’t have quite the sparkle…the daily surprise. When I keep my eyes on Jesus and remember my heart for Him, then I am amazed daily by the blessings this ministry brings to my life. And the ways God allows us to bless others.
As Jesus confronts Peter the second time “do you love me?”, he goes on to say feed my lambs, tend my flock, feed my sheep. God puts us in position where we can be used to serve Him and care for His children. So as I look at the ministry we have today, I am in awe how God has worked this ministry and blessed me through it. I love doing life with you guys! Can’t wait to see where we go from here…