Thursday, January 5, 2012

To my friend...

Today I saw God. Or at least God in action. I witnessed a young mom sit before a camera and record messages to each of her children saying goodbye. It’s hard to put into words what went thru my head. First and foremost – wow. She was so eloquent. She spoke to the camera like each of her 5 children was sitting at her feet. She gave them wisdom, encouraged them to grow to be Godly men and women, to marry Godly spouses, to care for one another and most importantly to love God. Wow. I kept thinking over and over, “This is grace.” Not the grace we speak of as Christians, but grace in the form of beauty, elegance and charm. There are moments in your life you will always remember, moments to be cherished … this was one for me. I felt honored, humbled and totally unworthy to witness this beauty.

I am not sure why we need to make everything about us, but I guess its human nature. As I try to come alongside this family, I can’t help relating it to my own life. My friend is dying from brain cancer. I took care of my mother for 9 months as she battled brain cancer. The similarities are striking, so I have to keep reminding myself that every journey is different. My mother was 60, my friend is 30. My mother was a strong, fiercely independent woman but with a soft heart and warm spirit. I can easily say the same about my friend. The difference comes in that my father died before she did and she left behind two grown daughters. The loss still left a huge hole but as adults we have different comprehension, different understanding and more memories to cling to. My friend is 30. Her husband is young. Her children are young. She is young.

The other difference and I guess the thing that struck me the most as I watched her record her messages is her profound and I truly mean profound faith. I consider myself strong in faith. I don’t doubt God. I walk in obedience. I serve when called. I abide in Him. And, yet I heard my friends words to her husband, to her children, to her family….I was truly humbled. I felt as if I was witnessing something that went so much deeper than what I can understand. God is with her, right now, right here…guiding her, comforting her, bringing her peace. He is there in all His strength and all His glory bringing her home. Though the pain in her husband’s eyes, the confusion in her children’s faces is heartbreaking, it is both reassuring and an honor to witness her journey and the legacy she will leave with her children. And wow is such a weak response but sometimes it is all you can say…

1 comment:

  1. Dear Deb and friend,


    beautifully you wrote of your friend and what she is going thru, I wish I could take away her journey, but God gives us each our own journey and I guess we each have to go our way.
    How wonderful for her to have you for a friend, and for her strength in God's love.

    If I can help please let me know

    Nancy Anzelone
