Every other week I meet with a group of women...our goal is to work on our walk.... to endeavor to become more Godly women. I thought this would be fun information to share with you. We focus on four areas:
1. Be aware of who we are becoming
2. Live intentionally daily
3. Do little things with great love
4. Remember the Awe of God.
Two things we are currently exploring:
First from a Spiritual Assessment by Fred Smith: Do I have a Quiet Center in my Life? Okay ladies – this is a BIG one!
Francois Fenelon, who walked with God three hundred years ago, said, “Peace is what God wants for you no matter what is happening.”
I press this point to myself because it is important in my life. Oswald Chambers says, “In our Lord’s life there was none of the press and rush of tremendous activity that we regard so highly, and the disciple is to be as his master.” There is an important difference between the fast track and the frantic track. It is not God’s will for me that I be frantic. When I was heading the operations of a manufacturing corporation we had an excitable manager who, whenever he got confused, called a supervisors’’ meeting to display it. After one of these fruitless meetings, I gave him my favorite little verse” “When in trouble, when in doubt, run in circles, scream and shout.”
This harriedness is epidemic in our society. Unless we are running on empty, we don’t feel we are normal. The other day I heard a prominent minister say that this next week that he had a breakfast meeting every morning. I wanted to say to him, “This is not the way to live. This is not the way to have a family. This is not the way, to me, to be a man of God.”
The late Senate chaplain Dick Halverson was helpful to me by suggesting that Jesus didn’t have a day planner; he simply “went about doing good.” When he was on his way to raise a dead child, he stopped to help a woman with an issue of blood. He didn’t prioritize raising the dead over helping the sick. He simply went about doing the good that came his way.
Jesus had the quiet center. Do I have it too? Peace is the evidence of God.
And the second thing to ponder:
Attitude is everything. Yes, Everything. Choose your attitude
It is more vital than events. It's more important than what's happened. Because attitude determines whether we are happy or unhappy, fulfilled or empty, the positive perspective assures us that we can never fail. A hopeful attitude guarantees internal success. Attitude- the altitude adjuster determines whether we fly high or low, crash or soar, glide or slide.
Anybody can have a positive attitude when things are going well. What really matters is how you act when things are going badly that determines the strength of your character. An appropriate attitude means feeling hopeful in challenging times. Stop yourself. Count your blessings. Look for the good. Here are the magnificent 7 ways to improve your attitude, and therefore your God walk…i.e. being a Godly women.
1. Choose to be Enthusiastic
Corporate presidents voted it the most valuable personality trait. It's the biggest single factor in successful selling. Think enthusiastically. Talk enthusiastically. Become enthusiastic by acting enthusiastic. Your thoughts and actions establish your level of enthusiasm. I think you can also glean a lot of your enthusiasm by keeping your eyes on God and knowing He is active, very active, in your life.
2. Be Alive to Everything You Do
Walk fast. Put a bounce in your step. A good smile radiates enthusiasm. Put spirit into your speech by varying the tempo, raising and lowering the pitch, changing the tone and modulation. Force yourself to act with enthusiasm, and soon you will feel enthusiastic. As in fake it until you make it (one of my mother’s favorite sayings)
3. Broadcast Good News
No one ever made a friend or accomplished anything worthwhile by transmitting bad news. Good news, on the other hand, promotes good will and spreads enthusiasm. The message, "Hey! I've got good news" gets the attention of everyone. Take sunshine to school or work. Always aim to make the person you talk to feel better than they otherwise would. I like this thought…it eliminates gossip, griping and complaining – what would that do to your Godliness?
4. The Power of Visualization
Imagination powerfully influences successful outcomes. When imagination and willpower compete, the imagination always wins. Force of will never keeps you striving for success, but proper visualization will. All peak performers visualize success. Before you try to do anything, close your eyes and visualize yourself doing it well, ask for God’s help and guidance…when really struggling ask for His intervention. God can do it perfectly so let him work through you.
5. Positive Self-Talk
What did you say to yourself today? Did you moan and groan about everyone at school or work? Did you complain about your co-workers and boss to to your friends? What we think is 100% reflected in how we feel. If all we think about is negative thoughts, our actions will be negative. Remember "I'm a God’s child. He wants me Healthy! Wealthy! Happy! I do what I ought to do, when I ought to do it, whether I want to or not! No Debate! I do the good work. I saw this saying this week:
Look back and thank God.
Look forward and trust God.
Look around and serve God.
Look within and find God!
6. Love Others
How can we become more loving? By bringing encouragement, optimism, and hope to all that we meet. By helping others feel comfortable in our presence. By spreading joy and goodwill. By being concerned about the wishes and desires of others. By understanding, caring, accepting, and forgiving. By becoming more concerned about helping others achieve their individual desires, than our own.
7. Never Miss 1 to 6 Above
Great food for thought....more to come....
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