Sunday, May 8, 2011

A Mother by any other name...

Ah. Mothers Day…always an odd day. My brain goes back and forth all day….I’m not a mom, I don’t have a mom, I’m not a mom, I don’t have a mom…always a weird day. As a female everybody wishes you a Happy Mother’s Day, they don’t know it but I always feel awkward answering. I realized half way thru the day that I always just smile and say thank you…hmmm, I should be saying “you too”. So next person who said Happy Mother’s Day, I said “you, too!”…then realized she was about 15. Oh well…back to awkward.

Then of course you have the “Happy Mother’s Day, if you are a mother.” OK – that’s no better. Anyway always a weird day. Does remind me how much I miss my mom. She was a pretty cool mom, nothing “normal” about her – certainly not typical. But that is what I loved. If you quizzed my sister and I you would think we grew up with an entirely different mom, in an entirely different household – funny how our perspectives, impressions and memories can be so very different when we truly were in the same house with the same mom.

I remember my mom as bigger than life. Very intelligent, reserved, a voracious thirst for knowledge and eccentric as all get out. Highly creative, she loved Halloween and made amazing haunted houses, designed stage scenery when we were in dance and later went on to open a new age bookstore with all the strange and odd things that go with that. Most of all I remember her as my biggest fan. She had such an incredible impact on me clear into adulthood, but also was my greatest supporter as I traversed my twenties. When she died I remember thinking ‘who will be my support’? Who will be my fan? Of course I hadn’t met my husband Mick yet … so never knew there were two of them in this world that God would bless me with. Anyway…

The other special day this weekend was Military Spouse Day on Friday. It made me think of all my “wives” and what a heart I have for all of you. The road you travel, the strength you have, the men you support and of course the trouble you get into!! I so love being involved in your lives and having the opportunity to occasionally make a difference, to maybe lighten your load a bit. I just love the spirit and courage of “my wives.” Of course my mom was a military wife, married to a young marine at 18. She loved him and understood that she married the Corps, not just the man. She never lost that love and even 30 years after his death both cherished his memory and his Corps.

So on this Mothers Day, I thank God for the mother I had and to all my military wives out there, it’s a comfort to know a women like her, raised a women like me, so that whenever the opportunity presents I can mother you…even if just a little bit! HAPPY MOTHERS DAY!!

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